Welcome to Angie Creates!

Hello! Hola! 哈囉!
10 Seconds Intro
I'm Angie Wang. I love helping curious humans live the most alive versions of themselves through creative expressions like movement, writing, and art. You can find my conversation with the world in my writings and podcast interviews.
A Sneak Peek:
My friends told me I am: playful, curious, fun, inspiring, happy, creative, can learn anything, weirdly smart and I make them feel energized, hopeful, harmonious, and full of light.
My coworker told me I am: dedicated, a leader, super-detailed, powerful, intelligent, good at observing, thinking critically, quick at learning, people-gathering.
My Journey
I was an "excellent sheep" that felt lost and disconnected in the adult game until I found my mind-body connection again through lifting and embarked on my own hero's journey. I later created podcasts and online courses to help people cultivate awareness and empowerment through lifting.
Online creation unlocked my inner child and sparked my interest in other more fluid creative experiments like movement, writing, and art. Now I'm exploring how to help people connect with their creative power, get unstuck, embark on their own heroes' journeys, and live the beautiful life they deserve to live.
My Different Hats:
- Digital Creation I host a Curious Barbell Podcast, build a Be Your Own Coach online course, start an online sports science community, write extensively about identity and life design
- Creative Writing I wrote extensively about digital nomad and cultural identity, narratives of self, life design, and published a tiny e-book exploring the dynamic of creator journey, travel, and marriage.
- Movement I'm a capoeira and Ido Portal's movement culture lover. Fascinated about anatomy train, NKT, and methods that uncover the relationship between physical body and emotion (like Cranial Sacral Therapy).

- Art I love watercolor and botanical drawing and enjoy learning about different mediums and styles of creations.

- Freelance I'm a trained qualitative researcher and helped tech companies with the user and product search (with in-depth interviews and focus groups) and building MVPs (My LinkedIn).
- Human I'm from Taiwan and live nomadically with my fun and nerdy husband Paul Millerd. We love deep and curious conversations and hosting meet-ups, book clubs, and accountability groups.
Oh btw if you read Chinese, check out my other website 好奇槓鈴 and subscribe to my e-mail newsletter 好奇週報!
Currently exploring
- How to live the most alive version of myself
- How our narratives are formed and how to transcend them if these narratives don't serve us (especially with Neural Linguistic Programming)
- How to empower kids and adults through creative expressions like art, movement, and life design
- Spanish and Portuguese
Fun Facts
- I once won a deadlift competition with a lift of 225 lbs in the 110lb class.
- Chiang Mai is my spiritual hometown, and Oaxaca is my favorite city to live in the world.
- My favorate playlist is Tríos y Boleros Románticos.
- My favorite books: Pathless Path, Reboot, The Artist Way, Designing Your Life, The Normal Chaos of Love, The Art of Learning, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Hang with me
If you resonate with what I share here, let's be friends! You can chat with me on Twitter, follow me on Instagram, subscribe to my email list, or email me at curiousbarbell@gmail.com.