數位遊牧的真相-第一年學到的事 (Digital Nomad Reflections)
自從去年農曆過年開始準備遊牧的各種事項:賣傢俱、打疫苗、收行李、搬離台北回台中和家中兩老說再見,到現在在台中完成這篇回顧時,自西班牙、美國、墨西哥遊牧也差不多將近一年了.雖然說自從30歲那年決定從科技業轉職當健身教練後人生變動的劇烈程度大概是有生之最,但開始數位遊牧的 2020年又創了另一個新的巔峰,除了因為podcast 讓我認識了改變我人許多改變我對人生想像的好友外(謝謝你們!),也意外在西班牙創了運動科學海外人社團 、回到美國後和在澳洲Wei教練辦了第一場的「做自己的健身教練課程」的先導工作坊.一直到後來到經歷burnt
From 'Burden' to 'Gift': How My Pregnancy Helped Me Rewrite My Narrative
At 6 a.m. on July 4th, 2022, before the parade happened in the small town of Connecticut, I found
Love Yourself in the Language You Feel Less Loved
When my friend Hannah asked me: “So, are you going to have bilingual education for your kids?” My body froze.
What Are You Doing These Days?
The uncertainty of being a solo creator
“So what title do you want me to put on your interview video?
Overcoming Fear
I emailed the FOUNDER of my DREAM COMPANY! This was what happened.
The Scary Action
Last year when I started
Resource State
You’ve been preparing for an important interview for the whole week. You are
confident and ready to kick ass.
Angie's Unconventional Resume
30-Second Intro
Hey there, I’m Angie! I have a wide range of interests and experiences.
I'm currently
Away from Guilt or Towards Thriving?
I was running away from shame my entire life. It was not until I made one change
that I started
Discover Everyday Wonder
Over the past year, I've gotten more and more into drawing, particularly
botanical drawing. In the past couple